Double Chin

Are pockets of fat beneath your jawline affecting your self-confidence and appearance? At the Facial Surgery Institute of Boca Raton (FSIBR), we can help you achieve a more defined profile for improved confidence.

What Causes Double Chin?

A double chin, also known as submental fat, is influenced by several factors. These factors can individually or collectively contribute to the development of a double chin, affecting your overall facial profile.

  • Genetics: If you go back in family albums and notice several family members with a double chin, then you may have a genetic predisposition to store fat in the chin and neck area.
  • Aging: The natural loss of elasticity and collagen as you get older also leads to sagging skin. This decrease in skin firmness, combined with the weakening of the underlying muscles, can result in the appearance of a double chin.
  • Weight Gain: Excess weight often contributes to fat storage accumulating in various areas of the body, including the chin and neck. This can make the submental area appear fuller.
  • Poor Posture: Slouching can weaken the muscles in the neck and chin over time. This muscle weakness may cause the skin to sag, making it more noticeable.
  • Hormonal Changes: Hormonal fluctuations, particularly those related to aging or conditions like hypothyroidism, can affect fat distribution and skin elasticity.
  • Sedentary Lifestyle: Lack of physical activity can lead to weight gain and decreased muscle tone, both can affect the chin’s appearance.
Signs and Symptoms of an Aging Face (female photo)

Signs and Symptoms of a Double Chin

When you look in the mirror or at photos, have you noticed your chin and jawline losing their definition? Submental fat in the chin might be more than just a cosmetic concern – it’s a common issue that can subtly impact how you feel about your appearance. Here are some key signs and symptoms to watch for:

  • The area under the chin appears rounded or soft, reducing the sharpness of the jawline.
  • Loose or drooping skin beneath the chin creates a visible fold in the appearance of the neck.
  • Excess fat under the chin gives the lower face a heavier, less contoured look.
  • When looking at your side profile or looking downward the chin appears double.
  • Creating a more defined jawline profile with make-up is no longer easy as the submental fat pads become more challenging to camouflage.
Dr. Jaclyn A. Klimczak inspect female patient before treatment

Effective Double Chin Treatments in Boca Raton

Dr. Jaclyn A. Klimczak - inspect female patient before treatment

At FSIBR, we offer a variety of double chin treatments designed to reduce submental fat and enhance the jawline’s definition. Our treatment options include:

  • Facial Liposuction Double Chin Surgery
    For more significant cases of submental fat, surgical removal, also known as submental or facial liposuction, may be recommended. This procedure involves the precise removal of fat cells to create a more sculpted chin and neck area.
  • Neck Lift Double Chin Surgery
    A neck lift is a surgical procedure designed to tighten the skin and underlying muscles, effectively reducing the appearance of a double chin. By removing excess skin and fat, and lifting and tightening the remaining tissue, a neck lift provides a smoother, more defined jawline and a rejuvenated appearance.
  • Botox for Double Chin Removal
    If your double chin is caused by muscle laxity, Botox injections can help by targeting the vertical neck bands, also known as platysmal bands. This treatment works by relaxing the muscles in the neck area, smoothing wrinkles and reducing the appearance of sagging skin.
  • Exercise for Double Chin
    While exercise alone may not completely remove it, specific exercises can help strengthen and tone the muscles around the chin and neck. These exercises can be a useful supplement to our professional treatments.

Who Is a Candidate for Treatments?

Candidates for submental fat pad treatments are individuals in good overall health who are looking to improve the appearance of their jawline and reduce submental fat. Ideal candidates include those who:

  • Are frustrated with fat persisting around the chin area even after weight loss.
  • Want to tighten and remove excess sagging skin in the chin.
  • Willing to follow all post-treatment care guidelines to preserve results.
  • Always concerned about how their chin looks on photographs.
  • Have noticed a lack of confidence in their facial appearance and reduced self-esteem.
Dr. Jaclyn A. Klimczak inspect patient before Brow Lift treatment

Recovery Expectations

Recovery Expectations treatment

Recovery is different for each individual and is treatment-specific. Surgical options, such as neck lift surgery, typically require a longer recovery period with some swelling and bruising. Non-surgical treatments like Botox have minimal downtime, allowing most patients to return to daily activities quickly. Common experiences during recovery include:

  • Temporary swelling or bruising
  • Some discomfort and mild pain post-surgery
  • Visible improvements in the chin’s contours may be immediate or gradual depending on the treatment type

Treatment Benefits

Our treatments are based on your unique facial contours and offer many benefits, including:

  • A sleeker, more contoured neck and chin area that improves your self-image and confidence in social settings.
  • With a more sculpted jawline, you may find you need less makeup or concealer to hide imperfections.
  • Harmonious facial proportions contribute to a more youthful appearance.
  • Personalized post-treatment guidelines from board-certified facial plastic surgeons to enhance the longevity of treatment results.

Risks of Treatment

No cosmetic treatment is without risk, all of which is discussed during an in-person consultation with our surgeons. The risks are significantly reduced in our care, and include some of the following rare risks:

  • An allergic reaction to treatment
  • Infection at the injection or incision site
  • Scarring or anesthesia complications
Dr. Jaclyn A. Klimczak and Dr. Melyssa Hancock (team photo)

Why Choose Us for Double Chin Treatment in Boca Raton?

Why Choose Us? (team photo)

When you choose FSIBR, you benefit from the expertise of the only two board-certified female plastic surgeons in Boca Raton. Dr. Hancock and Dr. Klimczak are renowned for their personalized approach to patient care and their dedication to achieving exceptional results

  • With a deep understanding of facial anatomy and the latest advancements in treatment techniques, we offer solutions that deliver exceptional, natural-looking results.
  • Our state-of-the-art facilities and commitment to patient safety ensure a comfortable experience and optimal results throughout your treatment journey.
  • Dr. Hancock and Dr. Klimczak bring extensive experience in facial plastic surgery, specializing in nuanced treatments and youthful facial contouring.

Schedule your double chin consultation today and discover how we can help you achieve a more sculpted and confident appearance in Boca Raton, Palm Beach, and Palm Beach County.


While surgical removal of submental fat offers long-lasting results, non-surgical treatments like Botox may require maintenance sessions for continued results.

While exercise can tone muscles in the chin and neck area, it may not fully eliminate the submental fat pad. Combining exercise with professional treatments provides the best results.

Before and after treatment, avoid salty, sugary, or greasy foods, as well as alcohol, to minimize swelling and support healing. For more detailed guidance, check out our blog on optimal pre- and post-treatment nutrition.

The cost of double chin surgery varies depending on the type of procedure, complexity, and the experience and qualifications of your chosen provider. A consultation will provide a more accurate estimate based on your specific needs.

Botox is generally safe when administered by a qualified professional. Side effects are minimal and can include temporary redness or mild discomfort. Choosing our surgeons for double chin injectable treatment reduces risks significantly.

For surgical treatments like liposuction or neck lifts, scars are generally minimal and strategically placed to be less visible. Most patients experience faint, inconspicuous scars that fade over time.

Results from non-surgical treatments like Botox can be visible within a few weeks, while surgical results may take several weeks to months to fully appear as swelling subsides and healing progresses.

For most double chin treatments, you should wear comfortable clothing and avoid heavy makeup – read more on our blog. Specific instructions may be provided based on the procedure, so it’s best to follow any pre-treatment guidelines given by your surgeon.

Facial Plastic Surgery Nose and Sinus Surgery - reception

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